Wednesday, October 10, 2012

700!! WHOO HOO!


I’m so excited to do this giveaway! I feel so blessed and I wanted to share some of those blessings with another family, child, high school senior, or just anyone who hasn’t had photos taken in a while and maybe can’t afford them, maybe there going through hard times and just need a pick-me-up.

For any number of reasons I’m doing this to promote kindness and generosity. Sometimes doing something so small as taking a photo can be a cherished memory years from now. Smile I hope you all take the time to think about who you would like to nominate for this giveaway of a FREE session. Yes that’s right a completely FREE session, no cost to the someone you nominate. Here are the rules:

1. Make sure you have “liked” my facebook page Jade’s Photography (

2. In the comment section below this post please write a short paragraph (3-5 sentences) detailing who you think deserves a FREE session. Please be honest and describe plainly why your nominee is deserving of a FREE session.

3. All nominations will be taken into consideration for this giveaway. Please spread the word and help me help someone else!

4. I will stop taking nominations Saturday, November 13,2012 at 11:59p.m.. Winner will be posted Tuesday, November 16,2012 at 10a.m.!

Thank you for the continued love and support. Please enjoy some of my recent sessions posted below! Have an amazing week!!



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