Wednesday, October 10, 2012

700!! WHOO HOO!


I’m so excited to do this giveaway! I feel so blessed and I wanted to share some of those blessings with another family, child, high school senior, or just anyone who hasn’t had photos taken in a while and maybe can’t afford them, maybe there going through hard times and just need a pick-me-up.

For any number of reasons I’m doing this to promote kindness and generosity. Sometimes doing something so small as taking a photo can be a cherished memory years from now. Smile I hope you all take the time to think about who you would like to nominate for this giveaway of a FREE session. Yes that’s right a completely FREE session, no cost to the someone you nominate. Here are the rules:

1. Make sure you have “liked” my facebook page Jade’s Photography (

2. In the comment section below this post please write a short paragraph (3-5 sentences) detailing who you think deserves a FREE session. Please be honest and describe plainly why your nominee is deserving of a FREE session.

3. All nominations will be taken into consideration for this giveaway. Please spread the word and help me help someone else!

4. I will stop taking nominations Saturday, November 13,2012 at 11:59p.m.. Winner will be posted Tuesday, November 16,2012 at 10a.m.!

Thank you for the continued love and support. Please enjoy some of my recent sessions posted below! Have an amazing week!!



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Unknown said...

I would love to nominate Monserat Cedillo for the free photo session. She is a beautiful little girl and has been through a lot and so far she is only 4 years of age. She was diagnosed with cancer and has had many operations. She still falls in the hospital sometimes. I'm sure this would cheer her up so much because she loves to take pictures and is very photogenic!

Unknown said...

I second the nomination for Monserat Cedillo. She its such a beautiful girl that always carries a smile on her face. Just like Jasmin says she has been through a lot and so has her family,

mdsaltz said...

Well I was trying to think of someone (other than the greed side that said my own children;)). Then to read about a 4 year old with cancer. I also say that little rock star should have it done.

Unknown said...

I totally agree with nominating little Miss Monserat Cedillo and her family. This little trouper has been in the hospital since she was maybe a month old. At first she had a hole in her heart, then they diagnosed her with cancer... Doctors said she probably wasn't going to make it past age 3, but thanks to GOD and all the prayers of our community this fighter is with us now and with the help of GOD she will be with us for a years and years to come. Her family has gone though A LOT and they more than deserve this! Thanks Amy for doing such a great deed and giving a free session to someone. I love the passion that you put in to your work!

Unknown said...
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